Knowledge Base

How to record audiobook?

nagrywanie audiobooka w studio nagrań pick a voice
The transformation of a paper book into an audiobook is a process that consists of several stages. When the thought of creating a book recording sprouts in the head of the publisher or author, he should - first of all - choose the recording studio in which he will implement the project. Read more ????

Audiobook recording. What is the price?

ile kosztuje nagranie audbiobooka pick a voice
How much does producing an audiobook cost? How to calculate the cost? You will learn this from our article. Read more ????
Filip Kosior - najlepszy lektor 2023

Free report "Audiobook market 2022" in Poland

Find out in just a few minutes what audiobook sales are like, what consumers are like, and who is the most popular Polish audiobook narrator. Click and check.

Best Polish fantasy audiobook narrators

Najlepsze głosy lektorskie do fantastyki w audiobookach PICK A VOICE
Which voice talents will be the best when recording an audiobook from the fantasy category? Check out our recommendations.

Best Polish audiobook narrators 2021

filip kosior czyta audiobooka studio nagrań pick a voice
We present the best audiobook voices according to Facebook users. Users of book groups mentioned their favorite teachers in the comments. The results are presented below.

How much does it cost to record an audiobook with a famous voiceover talent?

Nagrywanie audiobooka w studio nagrań lektorskich pick a voice, lektor audiobookowy nagrywa audiobooka
Audiences of audiobooks pay more and more attention to the name of the voice talent who interprets the book. Audiobook narrators give interviews and become audience favorites. So how do you choose the right voice talent for your audiobook and how much will the recording cost? Click and learn more.

How much does it cost to record an audiobook with a star?

Ewa Kasprzyk nagrywa audiobooka w studio nagrań audiobookowych PICK A VOICE. Ile kosztuje nagranie audiobooka z gwiazdą?
Recording an audiobook with a famous actor can significantly affect its sales and audience reception. What costs should you reckon with? Click and read the article.
Wyniki sprzedaży audiobooków 2019. Sprzedaż audiobooków.

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